

dimarts, 20 de maig del 2014


Seven is an American 1995 thriller film directed by David Fincher, written by Andrew Kevin Walker. The film is a mixture of black cinema, Psychothriller and buddy movies in which they act Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman in the starring roles as well as Gwyneth Paltrow and Kevin Spacey in the delivery.
The story is based on a series of crimes that are mandated to investigate by the character interpreted by Morgan Freeman and his assistant, interpreted by Brad Pitt. All murders seem to have no meaning, they are cruel and heartless. Morgan Freeman realizes that each crime is written a word that corresponds to one of the seven deadly sins. After a failed attempt to capture the murderer, he finally manages to escape. They found the man thanks to researched who had read a number of books banned in a major city library Filadelphia. After seven murders by the same man, seven different sins, he decides to surrender to the police with his hands full of blood. Finally able to arrive at an agreement with the FBI, go see his last two victims. The murderer confesses his sin, envy, decided his sixth victim was the wife of the character played by Brad Pitt. If Brad Pitt kills the murderer all his'' game'' will be completed, fulfilling the seventh seventh murder and sin, anger. Decides to do it.

Im my opinion is my favourite film because keep getting suspended for the whole movie and both the outcome as the plot is awesome.

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