

diumenge, 6 d’abril del 2014


The day started normally, every morning is the same when you're a dragon. First I got up after a drunken night , I washed my face and then my huge teeth. A few hours later i was thinking I could eat that night , because I had invited my parents to eat in my cave . I was so tired of eating sheeps (this is a bit bland ) have occurred then I go to look for some dinner in a small town near here. Most people seemed to be in good condition , so I decided to go find someone in a huge castle . The meat of kings is not tender enough , so I decided to kidnap the princess , is a delicacy in the world of dragons. I spent about three hours preparing for the evening inpresionar my parents. Everything went as I wanted ! Each dish in place , ready for cooking pot , the candles burning , the TV on ( gave it a football game of dragons, my dad loves it) . My parents were already seated and the princess and was almost at the point , then entered as a gentleman who said his name was something like '' '' Sant Jordi . He shouted something ( will rescue ) , after seeing 3 hungry dragons that stake to rescue the princess, even stayed to have dinner . Saint George is a good man , very sympathy